Privacy Policy

At Tastedis we take your privacy seriously. We want to provide a safe and
enjoyable online experience for all of our website visitors at We understand that you are concerned about the use and sharing of your personal information. To help you stay informed about the collection, use, and
disclosure of the Information we receive from both you and other users of this
website, we have prepared this comprehensive Privacy Policy.
This Website is owned and operated by Terra Works.
By continuing to use this Website, or otherwise accepting the Terms of Service (via
checkbox, opt-in, pop-up or clicking an email link) you understand and agree to be
bound by both this Privacy Policy, as well as the Terms of Service of this Website.
Information We May Collect on the Website
In today’s technology age, it is inevitable that the websites you visit will learn
certain information about you, and our Website is no different. On our Website, we
will from time to time request certain information about you, and we may also
collect other information automatically with no action on your part. It is important
that you understand that we will only collect and process your personal data and
information when we have a lawful bases for doing so. We will have a lawful bases
to collect and process your data if you provide us with consent, if we enter into a
contractual relationship that allows us to collect and/or process your data, or if we
otherwise have a legitimate interest in processing your personal data.

a) Information you May Provide Voluntarily

Personal Information. We may ask you for your name, address, email address
and/or phone number when you request information from our Website, sign up for a
newsletter or email list, respond to a survey, register for a webinar or masterclass,
purchase a product or service, or sign up for a subscription. We will only ask you for
the personal information that we deem necessary in order to provide you with the
requested information or fulfill our legal obligations to you. In other words, if you
try to purchase a legal template, we won’t ask for your date of birth or social
security number if it is not required in order to fulfill your order.

Billing Information. If you decide to order a product or service through our
Website, we will maintain certain information about the products or services you
purchase. In addition, you will be asked to provide the information necessary to
process your payment when you checkout. In general, you will be asked to provide a
debit or credit card, or possibly an e-check. Along with this information, you will
need to provide the account number of the card or checking account, a routing
number (for an e-check), expiration dates, a security code for the card, your billing
address, the name on the card, and other such information.
In almost all situations, this information will be processed and captured various
third-party vendors, including but not limited to certain payment processors and
merchant account providers. None of this information will ever be captured or
retained by the Company. Any third-party vendors that we use as part of our
business practices will be doing so in compliance with their own business terms and
conditions, including their own privacy policies.

b) Information We May Collect Automatically

We may collect additional
information from you in addition to the voluntarily provided information
described above.
Activity Regarding Your Use of Our Website. The following information
regarding your computer hardware and software may be collected based on how,
when and where you access our Website: Internet Protocol (“IP”) addresses, your
operating system, the browser you are using, the device you may be using, whether
your device is a laptop, tablet or smartphone, URL’s you visit, dates and times you
have accesses the Website, information about the sites that referred you,
universally unique identifiers (“UUID”), advertising identifier (“IDFA”), internet
carrier and country location, hardware and processor information, the type of
network you used and other related data.


These are not the cookies you eat. In order to deliver a better web
experience for you, we may use cookies. Although they sound delicious, these are
electronic files that contain small amounts of data about your visit to our Website.
They are stored on the hard drive of your computer or mobile device and will
remember your web-browsing preferences for when you return to a certain website,
including ours. Some of the core functions that Cookies perform include
remembering your log-in names and passwards, saving the contents of your online
shopping carts, and storing images on the websites you visit to decrease load times.
We may make use of both persistent cookies (which stay on your computer or mobile
device until they are deleted) and session cookies (that terminate or expire after you
close your web browser). The purpose of these cookies is to improve your overall
experience with our Website. Many web browsers, including Chrome, Safari and
Firefox, will allow you delete the existing cookies on your Website and/or set your
preferences such that your computer or mobile device will not accept incoming
cookies. However, turning on this function may interfere with your ability to use the
Website as it was optimally intended.

Third-Party Analytics

In order to evaluate, track, and aggregate visitor data, we
use various third-party analytics services (including Google Analytics, or other
such services). These services are invaluable in allowing us to evaluate how you and
other visitors use our Website. Some of the information these services can provide
include data regarding how much time you spend on certain pages, what pages on
our Website receive the most traffic, how visitors click through our Website, as well
as general geographic data about our Visitors, the source of referred traffic, popular
keyword searches, and other related information. In order to help analyze and
collect this data, these services will use cookies, pixels, and other related
By consenting to this Privacy Policy, you consent to allowing the collection and
review of this data as it relates to your activities by the analytics providers we
contract with, provided this information is used in the lawful manner and for the
legal purposes we have described herein.
For more information on Google Analytics, as well as for information on how to opt
out from certain data collection practices, visit:
Retargeting Ads / Pixels
Have you ever been to a website to look for a certain product, and then everywhere
you go on the web you see images and ads related to that product? Those are called
“retargeting ads”. When you visited the original website containing the product or
service you were interested in, that website has what is called a retargeting pixel on
in that is activated when you visited that site. In the same way we may, from time
to time, collect information about your visits to our website in order to share
relevant and timely advertising content to you in the future. Typically, these ads
will be run through certain third-party marketing platforms operated by websites
such as Google, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, or Pinterest, among others. You
may notice advertisements from our Company on these third-party sites based on
the data we collect from you during your visit to our Website.
Here is more information about each of these website ad platforms, with relevant
links showing how you may opt-out of seeing personal ads on these sites.
Google Analytics: As stated previously, we use Google Analytics on our Website.
Analytics Advertising Features is a collection of features that takes advantage of
the Google advertising cookies, which allows us to:
 Create Remarketing Audiences based on specific behavior, demographic, and
interest data, and share those lists with Google Ads
 Use demographic and interest data in our Analytics reports
 Create Segments based on demographic and interest data
If you wish to opt-out of seeing personalized advertisements on the Google platform,
please visit:
If you are interested in learning more about how Google uses cookies in its
advertising platforms and how you can control or block your information, visit:
You may also personalize the ads you see on the Google platform:
There is a wealth of information online that is constantly being updated with
regards to how Google uses and shares your information. We encourage you to read
Google’s Privacy Policy in full and learn as much as you can about how to protect
your private information.
Facebook Custom Audience. We are able to create a custom advertising
audience that shows ads to only certain people on Facebook and Instagram. This
advertising program works by us uploading a list of names and email addresses to
Facebook to create a custom audience. If you have a Facebook account and would
like to opt-out so that we do not share your information with Facebook, please visit
this page and provide your name and email address so that we may remove you
from our custom audience.
Other Advertising Services. The list of services above may not be all inclusive of
the programs we participate in to create personalized and custom advertising
services. As we join other programs, we will update this privacy policy accordingly.

Accessing Your Personal Information

Depending on what information you provided, and how you provided it, you may be
able to access, review and change this information directly on the Website, or by
emailing us directly at You may opt-out of any marketing
emails at any time by clicking the “unsubscribe” link located on the bottom of any
marketing-related email you receive from the Company. If you purchase products or
services via our Website or on the Phone, you will receive an email from us
automatically that confirms the purchase and you are unable to opt-out of these
emails. If you send a request to delete or remove your personal information from our
database, we will make our best efforts to accommodate those requests in a timely
fashion. However, there may be occasions where we may not be able to modify or
completely remove your information and in those situations, we will advise you

How We Use and Share Your Information

As mentioned above, we have a lawful purpose for all of the information we collect
and process. Here is a list of some of the various ways we will use your information:

 Email you relevant and timely offers for our products and services;

 Improve the quality and content of information in our Website, including our
services and/or product offerings;

 Process and deliver your electronic order, administer our online courses and
other programs, and otherwise provide a high level of service and customer
support to you and other customers;

 Provide timely replies and responses to your email and other requests,
including providing ongoing customer service in response to any issues or
concerns you may have about our Website or our products, services and/or

 Keep you informed of not only our own products and services, but also those
of certain third parties that we determine would be of interest or valuable to

 Solicit and request your feedback through email surveys and telephonic calls;

 Fulfill our legal and/or contractual obligations to you.

You should also be aware that your credit card company or banking provider may
also collect and retain certain information about you and the purchases you make
when you transact on our Website. Unless we have your explicit permission, we will
not otherwise provide any additional personal information to your credit card
company except as outlined elsewhere in the Privacy Policy.
From time to time, the information you provide to us may be shared with certain
affiliates, agents, joint venture partners, other businesses which we have common
control over, current or potential business partners, third-party businesses or
vendors who assist in administering our services or programs, or to other
businesses or vendors who assist us in providing core business functions such as
customer service, technical support or to administer our marketing efforts. We will
limit the information provided to these businesses to only what is required for them
to perform their core functions or as otherwise permitted by law.
We may share your data with potential buyers of our business or other potential
transferees as may result from a bankruptcy or other liquidation of our business.
If you are delinquent in your legal and contractual obligations to Terra Works, we
may share your information with our attorneys or a court of law in order to collect
on a debt you owe us and otherwise enforce our legal rights.
Although it is unlikely, there may come a time when we are obligated or compelled
to disclose your information as a result of a legal process, investigation, court order,
or subpoena, or we may be otherwise required to disclose personal data in order to
reasonably protect the interests of Terra Works, its property, the Website, or the
overall safety of visitors, others, or the public at large.

Managing Your Cookies on a Web Browser and/or Mobile Device

Each web browser or mobile device is slightly different, but all will provide a
mechanism for you to manage and control the cookies that are stored on your
machine. Please visit the help section of your browser or do a quick web search for
“how to manage cookies on [insert name of your web browser or mobile device]” for
up to date and step by step instructions to clear out your cookies.

Sharing Your Information Online

                                                    When you enroll in online courses, webinars, conference calls, etc., or otherwise

participate in online forums, chat rooms, or even submit comments on a blog or
social media post, you are voluntarily making your Personal Information available
to third parties in an online environment. It is important that you understand that
when you engage in these types of online activities, your information can be saved,
viewed, copied, used, collected and/or saved by individuals other than employees or
agents of the Company. We cannot and will not be held responsible or liable for any
unauthorized use of your personal information that is collected in this manner.
Please, for your own safety, be aware of when and how you share your personal
information online.
Protecting and Keeping your Information Secure
No matter how hard we try, or how much money we invest in cyber-security, it is
unfortunate that there are no guarantees when it comes to the transmission or
storage of electronic data online.
Here at TerraWorks, we use Dropbox Business Edition to transmit and store your
data and are committed to securing your personal information. The service
providers we use have taken appropriate technological and organizational measures
to help protect your personal information from loss, theft, misuse and unauthorized
access, disclosure, alteration and destruction.
Click here to read about how your information is stored securely:
For more information, or to read the full privacy policy of the third party vendor we
use to store your information, click here.
Notwithstanding the above, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of your
personal information. We may work with other third-party vendors on various
projects related to managing our databases, operating the Website, standard
operating procedures and protocols, overall web security, etc. There is always the
possibility that your personal information, while being transmitted to or from us
over the Internet, could be intercepted.
A Note About Email: Email is not secure. We will never transmit sensitive data
such as full credit card numbers, social security numbers, etc. over email and expect
that you will not do so either. If you provide any personal information to us via
email, we cannot guarantee its safety and will not be responsible if it is intercepted
or stolen by third parties.
Our Policy Toward Children
Our products and services are not directed to individuals under the age of 18 and
we do not and will not knowingly collect any information from any individual who is
under 18. If you become aware that a child has provided us with their personal
information, please contact us at If we otherwise become
aware that a child under the age of 18 has provided us with their personal
information, we will take all reasonable steps to delete their information from our
servers and database as soon as possible.

Third-Party Websites
We cannot and do not control, nor are we responsible for the privacy practices of the
vendors we have chosen to work with. From time to time, in our products and
services, we may provide links to affiliates, sponsors, business partners, advertisers,
vendors, or other websites and resources that we believe would be beneficial to you.
If you decide to visit those sites, please understand that you alone are responsible
for reviewing the terms of service and privacy policies of any site you visit, including
those recommended by us.

For Residents of California
Do Not Track Notice
We hereby disclose, pursuant to the California Online Privacy Protection Act, that
we do NOT currently honor “do not track” signals issued by browsers or other thirdparty

For Minors in California
If you are a minor, under the age of 18, and you have provided personal information
or content to us in some manner, you have the right to request that we delete that
information pursuant to the “California Eraser Law.” You may contact us at to make such a request.
If you are from Outside the U.S.
Our Company, our Website, and all data that we store on servers and via third
parties are all located in the United States. Even though the information we provide
online is available worldwide, the internet laws of the United States shall govern all
issues and matters related to this Website and information and materials it
provides, whether paid or free. By using our Website and providing your personal
information, you understand and expressly authorize the transfer of your Personal
Data to the United States.

The European Union and GDPR
Residents of the European Union (hereafter the “EU”) receive additional protections
by virtue of the General Data Protection Regulation (the “GDPR”) which went into
effect in 2018. Residents of the EU have a number of enumerated rights, which
include the right:

 to transparent information (i.e. to know what information we collect from

 to object to the collection or processing of certain information;

 to withdraw consent, even after it has been given, without affecting the
lawfulness of the processing of your data prior to withdrawing your consent;

 to access your data and information;

 to rectification, i.e. to modify or update your information;

 to erasure or to be forgotten by requesting that your information is deleted;

 to data portability; and,

 to restrict processing of your data.

Our website and the products and services we provide are directed towards citizens
and residents of the United States. However, all of our website visitors, regardless
of where they may be when they access our Website, are afforded the rights and
protections outlined above.
Our lawful basis for collecting your data is described previously in this privacy
policy. Where consent forms the basis for collecting your date, please note that you
may withdraw your consent at anytime by clicking on the “unsubscribe” link in the
email or otherwise contacting our office at to have your
information update, corrected, deleted or to obtain a copy of the information for your
We will keep your data only as long as is reasonably required to accomplish the
purpose or purposes for which it was collected. However, for certain customers or
clients, we may keep your data for longer or shorter periods of time depending on
whether or not you have purchased products and services through our Website. In
addition, we may keep your data for longer periods of time if you are regularly
engaging with the emails we send you. “Cold” subscribers, defined as someone who
hasn’t opened or clicked an email in the last 90 days and has been subscribed to our
email list for at least 30 days will be purged from our system on a regular basis, but
no less than once every six (6) months.
If you have any concerns, questions or otherwise feel that we are not properly
complying with any relevant data protection regulations, we invite you to reach out
to us via email at with the following information:

 Your Name;

 Your Country of Origin; and,

 A brief summary of your concern or complaint.

We will make every effort to respond as quickly as we can to your concerns. If, after
contacting us, you feel that your privacy issue has not be resolved, you have the
right to file a complaint with a Supervisory Authority such as those listed here.
Changes to Our Privacy Policy
From time to time we may update this Privacy Policy to both protect our Website
Visitors and comply with an ever-changing global regulatory environment. Please
remember to review this policy frequently when you visit our Website. We will
never change our policies to make the safeguarding of your personal information
less protective than it has been in the past. You are deemed to have accepted this
Policy and any amendments thereto when you continue to access this Website
and/or purchasing or using our products and services. We will update the date at
the top of this page whenever we make any changes to this policy.
Contact Information
If you need to contact us, you may do so by emailing us directly to Please put “privacy policy” in the subject line of your message.
© 2021 by Terra Works DBA. All Rights Reserved.