Taste’dis orange salmon made with real oranges

Kenny’s back in the kitchen this time baking up some orange salmon. This is a great recipe that’s big on flavor and can be made with only a few ingredients.

Orange Salmon


  • 1 salmon steak fillet

Orange sauce

  • 3 tbsp soy sauce
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 2 oranges
  • Orange zesty


  1. Using a fine grate create orange zesty with one orange
  2. In a mixing bowl combine soy sauce, honey and zesty then whisk together
  3. Line a baking pan with foil and place several tbsp of sauce into the bottom of the pan
  4. Lay salmon face down into the pan
  5. Place face down in the preheated oven (425) for 7-8 min
  6. After several minutes remove the pan and carefully flip the fillet
  7. Cover with remaining sauce and return to oven 15-20 minutes



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