Taste ‘dis Guacamole bowl made with marinaded onions

Everyone needs to have a great guacamole recipe in their arsenal. Luckily Kenny’s back in the kitchen and he’s putting together an amazing guacamole bowl that even the finickiest avocado eater will love.

Guacamole bowl


  • 2 avocados
  • 2 limes
  • 1 onion
  • 1 tomato
  • salt & pepper
  • cilantro


  1. Dice half an onion into a bowl
  2. Add the juice of limes (freshly squeezed) to onions
  3. Slice avocados in half and remove inside (try not to damage the skin)
  4. Slice tomato in half and remove seed and liquid. Dice up remaining tomato
  5. In a large bowl combine avocado, tomatoes, and cilantro
  6. Salt to taste 1 -2 tsp
  7. Skins can be refilled and used as serving dishes



music Intro/Outro produce by Grant Parks

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